New Brief

For this unit we have to choose 2 of the 3 briefs below.

1: optional

You may re-work the pieces that you have already submitted for this module, using the skills that you have subsequently learnt to improve and develop the work.

These pieces are the zines and the book jackets.

Please remember to re-submit the blog posts (use categories!!!)  for these projects. You may add to these if you feel it necessary but be clear what are new additions – we will be checking your learning, not how much you knew when you started.

If you undertake this part please submit the original pieces as well as the new ones so that we can judge the difference.

You will be marked down if you have not addressed typos or other issues already raised by staff.

If you are satisfied with your work you are advised to complete the other two briefs.

Choose TWO of the three briefs below.


Undertake any small typographic project that you think will show off your skills. You may use imagery but typography must be the significant part.

This could be anything you choose, such as: a simple layout, set a poem or lyric, a typographic poster, a logo. Please discuss your choice with a tutor before you start.

You will need to write out a very short brief to say what you intend to do. You will need series of posts in your blog to show your development.


On the website of Jonathan Barnbrook is a brief written by him that asks students to invent a new punctuation mark (brief 02).

You can find this at: .  It is the second of the three briefs there.

4: Barnbrook’s brief about designing your own memorial. Also available at the link above.

The first brief I will be completing is to set type, I think I will either do a quote of a song lyrics, I might do this either in an illustrative way or Im thinking I could do this by representing a company and making a piece of advertising in this way,Possibly by setting there slogan or a campaign add based around type.


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